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2024 Airbnb Investing

January 8, 2024

2024 Airbnb investing - are you thinking about it? It's a new year and hopefully time for a new you. The definition of new is not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered. What will you make, introduce or discover for yourself this year?

Will you make a decision to create financial freedom for yourself? Will you introduce the idea of Airbnb investing this year? Will you discover the amazing resources available to help you on your journey?

Talk to a friend with an Airbnb, read blogs about Airbnb investing, read our Airbnb investing book (it's 99 cents on Kindle right now - Happy New Year from the Tates), tune into the Host Coach podcast - so far you have less than $1 invested in a journey that has the capability to 100% change your finances, freedom, and life.

If you aren't trying something new or striving towards something new, you're stagnant. If you don't make any changes your life can't change for the better. Don't let 2024 slip away doing the same things while wishing for a different outcome. Be brave! Start talking and learning - that's one step towards a new you this year!

Sometimes having an expert's help makes people feel more comfortable doing new things. If you are looking for an Airbnb coach, we're happy to help guide you through your Airbnb investing journey. If you're curious what an Airbnb coach does, tune into this Airbnb podcast episode that unpacks exactly what we do and the investment inflection points that most need a coach's assistance to ensure success.

Is 2024 Airbnb investing the new thing you will do this year? Schedule a free 30 minute coaching call with us, so we can help jump-start all the fun new things related to Airbnb investing!