Looking for a free Airbnb design hack that directly relates to an Airbnb guest review prompt? You don't have to buy anything! Just declutter your space! Whether you are preparing to list your first short-term rental, or are actively managing several Airbnbs, clutter matters.
Airbnb guests are looking for places that are different from their homes. Not just with amenties they lack, but with zero clutter. Guests are buying the zen of a perfectly clean home for a few days. Your listing doesn't need to be spartan, but less is definitely more!

Get rid of old magazines, mismatched silverware and glasses, lots of bric a brack, and signs stating what the room is. Guests know what a kitchen or laundry room is. It's also amazing how many things are left behind by guests and accumulate in your space! We once found a huge stack of left-behind clothing, shoes, and old bras in our cleaning closet. Our housekeeper didn't know what to do with them, so she kept them in the cabin. Learn from our experience, and ask your housekeeper to donate or toss items left by guests after 5 days.
Design Hack 2:
Take an open day or the time during a turnover to reorganize your Airbnb's kitchen cabinets and drawers. Again, throw out or donate anything broken, mismatched, or unnecessary. Example: winery tour glasses are endlessly crammed into our cabin's cabinets and make it difficult to find our lovely matched stemware. Opening cabinets with perfectly stacked plates and tidy rows of spices gives guests a sense of cleanliness and order. Those are elements often missing in everyone's day-to-day homes!
Design Hack 3:
Declutter your outdoor spaces! Remove fallen branches, sweep away leaves and cobwebs, and once again remove things guests have left behind. While leftover fire wood could be an amenity in a neat pile by a fire pit, it is clutter if wood is left on the front porch.
These free Airbnb design hacks may seem simple, but they correlate with a prompt during the review process. Was the space clutter free? We're all for aligning our Airbnb designs with what Airbnb and guest critique on. So, give your guests what they want: picture perfect clean areas to enjoy their time away in. You don't have to buy a thing - just remove some!
If you're looking for more Airbnb design tips, check out our Airbnb investing book on Amazon and Audible. There's an entire chapter on Airbnb design with practical wisdom on how to select paint colors, finding affordable but stunning furniture, and many other ways to design with your guests' experience in mind!