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Airbnb Investing Motivation

April 17, 2023

Looking for Airbnb investing motivation? In our experience, focusing on the BEST thing that could happen is a great way to start! Most new investors build up a mental barrier to getting started by envisioning the worst thing(s) that could go wrong with their investment and spend time and energy planning around that worst-case scenario. While it is wise to consider potential problems, focusing on them is a great way to never actually get started.

We've been reading a great book called, The Energy Bus. It encourages and scientifically backs up the benefits of a positive mindset and positive energy. Not in a woo-woo way, but in a you get back what you give out sort of way. Airbnb investing is all about positive mind set, and that flows from knowing where this investment/cashflow will take you or how it will change your life for the better.

As Airbnb coaches, we connect with all kinds of people who want to become Airbnb investors - people of all ages, financial situations, and locations. None of those things matter when it comes to being successful. We're finding that a positive mindset is the #1 thing that helps new investors succeed on Airbnb! Successful hosts are grateful for the opportunity to own an Airbnb property, delighted to decorate it in a way that makes guests comfortable, and truly excited for the lifestyle changes they can make with the cash flow their investment generates.

So, if you are thinking about becoming an Airbnb investor, but are a little scared - that's natural. We encourage you to spend some time really dialing in on what the best thing is that could happen with your Airbnb investment. Envision what that looks like. Are you able to unchain yourself from your desk? Do you own a home in a place you love and get paid to spend time there? Do you have more time/money to travel or volunteer? These are all powerful motivators. Focus on the vision and use it as fuel to overcome your doubts and jump into investing!

If you would like some more guidance into the best practices for Airbnb market research, property selection, decorating, listing creation, and implimenting strategies to maximize profit while reducing stress, we're here to help! You can read our book, Host Coach, and/or schedule a free 30 minute call with Culin or Danielle. We love helping new investors!